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 Deathbed Ritual


The Formal Ritual

Priestess: (Takes the hand of the dying person gently, and looks into their eyes, or into their face if the eyes are closed. )

"You are dying. None should ever die alone. I am here to share your death and to journey with you. There is only love, the greatest Mystery. I reach behind my fear. I open my heart and my eyes in the light of this love. I will go as far on this journey with you as I can. I will not abandon you."

She should breath deeply and centre herself and enter a state of light trance. And she should follow the spirit of the dying person as deeply as she can.

"The Goddess is taking you back now, the Great Mother. She will be with the people left behind, providing strength and comfort. You are not abandoning them. You will leave behind your work. You will give up all of your ties to your family. You will give up sex, and even gender. You cannot be a woman or a man and enter the other world. You will leave behind your body. None who have bodies can pass into the other world. You will become nothing. You will float on the endless waves of the Goddess' womb. You will drift in the warm emptiness at the centre. Nothing will be left but the Will to be reborn."

If possible the Priestess will remain with the dying person until she is dead. At the moment of her death say the following:

"Journey on now, sister. We will follow when we can. May you be born again at the same time and in the same place as those you knew and loved in this life. May you know them again and love them again."

And now the Priestess' task must be to comfort the living.


Prayer of Last Rites


Dearest God/Goddess,

One of your children is preparing to return to your

Loving embrace. Please send your angels to greet

Him/her and surround him/her with your love.

Help him/her to move out of his/her body with ease

And comfort. Please help him/her to move into a

State of grace where love and forgiveness are all.

He/she is with you now as he/she has always been

With you. We ask for your love and guidance to bring

Him/her into the light.


Pagan and Wiccan Prayers for the Dying


Time has passed, the Wheel has turned.
It is time for you [person's name] to move on.

You will walk hand in hand with the Lord and Lady
and with your ancestors who came before you.

Great Mother, welcome [name of person]
back into your womb.

And Great Father welcome [him/her] back
into your divine instruction.

Let [him/her] come to you and
know that [s/he] has been blessed
by your gracious gift of Life.

Let [him/her] come into your Divine Love,
and let [him/her] know
that [s/he] has left behind a life of legacy,
that [s/he] shall be remembered and loved.

As [s/he] enters your world,
wrap [him/her] in your loving arms,
and welcome [him/her] back home.

Let [him/her] speak to the Ancient Ones
to learn the greater mysteries
that lie beyond the veil.

Give [him/her] the strength to take these final steps,
and allow [him/her] to do so with peace and dignity.

Those of us left behind
shall indeed mourn [his/her] death,
but we shall also know
that [his/her] Soul and Spirit
is coming back
to Holy Mother and Holy Father,
and that [s/he] shall be made whole again.

We shall cry, but we shall also laugh,
for we shall celebrate the Life
that had been given to [person's name.]

And let [him/her] also know
that as we now merry part,
that we shall also merry meet again.

And we now, with these candles {light candles}
respect the flame of [person's name]'s life,
and though these candle flames shall die out,
we know that [person's name] shall live on,
and [his/her] flame shall never cease to burn,
and we also know that [s/he] shall be reborn anew.

Take [him/her] by the hand and
guide [him/her] back into your heart,
for this is what is right and just.

Let [him/her] walk unerringly
down the path that leads to your Love.

This is our will and so mote it be.
Amen and Amen.


Bind this sick person to Heaven,
for from Earth s/he is being torn away!

Of the brave person who was so strong,
the strength has departed.

Of the righteous servant,
the force does not return.
In this bodily frame
s/he lies dangerously ill.

But Ishtar, who in her dwelling,
is grieved concerning this being,
descends from her mountain
unvisited of humans.

To the door of this sick person she comes.
The sick person listens!
Who is there? Who comes?

It is Ishtar, daughter of the Moon God!

Like pure silver may this garment be shining white!
Like brass may s/he be radiant!

To the Sun, greatest of the gods, may s/he ascend!
And may the Sun, greatest of the gods,
receive this soul into these holy hands!

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