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Baby Blessing Ceremony Options

Option 1: Blessing with water/oil/or rose petals in water

All wording can be changed to fit your desires. You may use water/oil or just lightly touch baby on areas as you speak your wishes/blessings for him/her

The Blessing of the Child

(I will address the new baby and I will use the blessed water with roses to bless the top of her/his head, her/his forehead, her/his heart, both her/his hands and both her/his feet)

I rub the blessed water on the top of her/his head and say:

You are connected, protected, loved, and blessed.

I rub the blessed water on her/his forehead and say:

All your senses are blessed, protected, and awakened.

I rub the blessed water over her heart and say:

Your heart is blessed so that you may feel compassion for yourself and others.

I rub the blessed water on both her/his hands and say:

Your hands are blessed so that you may reach out to the world.

I rub the blessed water on both her/his feet and say:

Your feet are blessed so that you may connect with the earth, be grounded, and stand your ground in this world. Know that your spirit is strong and it will guide you through this life.. Know that you are deeply loved and that your presence brings overwhelming joy.

~Option 2: with white, yellow, pink, and red rose petals~

*****All wording can be changed to fit your desires. If you prefer rose petals can be sprinkled by parents or officiant (or whomever you choose)-or choose no rose petals- just incorporate the wording read by parents, officiant or family/friends as wishes for the baby.

Friends and Family of (Baby). (Parents of the Baby) have invited us today to take part in a ceremony which welcomes their baby into their family unit, and into the wider family of their relatives and friends.

And while the birth of their baby has meant great joy for them, this joy is not unmixed. The responsibility of this child's life and happiness is in their hands. From now on, much of their life will involve caring for their baby, guiding her development, nurturing her growth as a responsible human being.

Just as they have invited you here to share their happiness and their joy, so (Parents of the Baby) also ask you to share their responsibility, realizing that the more love this child receives, the more she will be able to give love to other. The more people make up her world, the richer her world will be.

First person showers the baby with white rose petals)

As the petals of the white rose symbolize innocence, may (Baby's) ideals and heart remain untarnished and ever pure, with the wonders of childhood innocence forever hers.

(Second person showers the baby with yellow rose petals)

May the petals of the yellow rose foreshadow the friends and the friendships, steadfast and unwavering, that will bless her in the years ahead.

(Third person showers the baby with pink rose petals)

The pink rose and her petals speak of the tender love and compassion her spirit will know. The love that knows no bounds.

(Fourth person showers the baby with red rose petals)

And as always, may the passion of the red rose forever kindle the fire in her heart for both life itself and for all the passions she will find there.

Baby's Mother:

May you know blessings in your life that your father and I have had in ours.

Baby's Father:
Friends and family, please welcome our daughter (Baby)

To this child, as to all children, we make these pledges - We will recognize your worth as a person, and help you to strengthen your sense of belonging to the human family.

We will give you our love so that you may grow with trust in yourself and in other people.

We will respect your right to be yourself and at the same time help you to understand the rights of others.

We will encourage you always to search for the truth. We will give you the opportunity to develop your own understanding of life, and a respect for all living beings


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